The RuneWars: The Miniatures Game Dice Pack offers you a tool of convenience: another set of custom attack dice, identical to the set found in the RuneWars Core Set.
Paragons of disciplined training and wielders of some of the most sophisticated military weaponry available, the heavy crossbowmen of the Daqan Baronies represent one of the greatest defensive forces in Terrinoth
Master the blade and defend the Aymhelin
Surrender to the power of the Ynfernael with the Obscenes Unit Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game
The Grassy Field Playmat is the perfect way to expand your miniatures game experience
Expand Waiqars army with the Lord Vorun`thul Hero Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game
Each 2018 Season Three Tournament Kit contains exclusive prizes and clear instructions - everything you need to host a fun and concise event in your retail store
Bend the creatures of the Ru steppes to your will with the Beastmaster Th`Uk Tar Hero Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game
The most terrifying witch of the blood coven takes her command with the Kethra A`laak Hero Expansion Pack for Runewars: The Miniatures Game
Grow your Uthuk army and bring Terrinoth to its knees
Defend the borders of the Aymhelin Forest with the Ventala Skirmishers Unit Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game
Fear is made flesh with the Wraiths Unit Expansion for Runewars: The Miniatures Game
Crush your enemies with the Rune Golems Expansion Pack for Runewars Miniatures Game, featuring two Rune Golem figures for use with Daqan forces, as well as eight upgrade cards to add to any number of your forces.
This paint set contains 10 specially selected colours you need to paint your Deepwood Archers, Leonx Riders and all the rest of your Latari Elves
Each 2018 Season One Tournament Kit contains exclusive prizes and clear instructions - everything you need to host a fun and concise event in your retail store
Call forth the greatest demons of the Ynfernael with the Spined Threshers Unit Expansion for Runewars: The Miniatures Game
Called the Dread Horsemen by some and Doomriders by others, the Death Knights are ever at the forefront of Waiqars army, riding from the mists to cut down the living
The Essentials Pack gives you all the non-figure accessories you need to play the Runewars Miniatures Game
Defend the barony of Carthridge with the Baron Zachareth Hero Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game
None exemplify the primal, wild nature of the Verdelam more than the Leonx Riders
Call upon a new leader to guide the Latari with the Prince Faolan Hero Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game
Deliver death from afar with the Viper Legion Unit Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game
Compatible with the Latari Elves faction, the Maegan Cyndewin Hero Expansion for the Runewars Miniatures Game comes with one cavalry and infantry plastic figures, as well as new terrain, objective, and deployment cards
Enhance your Latari Elves army with the Latari Elves Infantry Command Unit Upgrade Expansion for the Runewars Miniatures Game
The hiss of Reanimates` blighted arrows raining down from the skies sends even veteran soldiers scrambling for cover
The army of the Uthuk Y`llan unleash their fiendish cavalry with the Flesh Rippers Unit Expansion for Runewars: The Miniatures Game
At the farthest reaches of Terrinoth, remote villages find their protectors in the Outland Scouts Unit Expansion for Runewars: The Miniatures Game
A new force of evil roams Terrinoth with the Uthuk Y`llan Army Expansion for the Runewars Miniatures Game
Stand your ground against the enemies of Daqan with the Spearmen Expansion Pack for the Runewars Miniatures Game, featuring eight Spearmen plastic figures and two plastic infantry movement trays, plus five additional upgrade cards for any army.
Lead your Daqan forces to glorious victory with the Lord Hawthorne Expansion Pack for Runewars Miniatures Game, featuring two different sculpts for Lord Hawthorne (one mounted and one on foot), plus six new upgrade cards, four of which will improve any army and two that are exclusive to Lord Hawthor
The undead are terrifying foes, known for their tireless strength and single-minded purpose
Seek ultimate power with the Ankaur Maro Expansion Pack for the Runewars Miniatures Game, featuring two different and dynamic sculpts for Ankaur Maro (one cavalry and one infantry) for inclusion in your Waiqar the Undying army, plus six new upgrade cards to further bolster your forces.
When the children of Latariana sound the horn for battle, the very forest answers their call
Few sounds strike more fear into an enemy of Terrinoth than the thundering hooves of a column of armored destriers
With polished armor glinting in the sunlight, the armies of the twelve baronies and the Free Cities are a stirring sight
Runewars is an epic board game of conquest, adventure, and fantasy empires for two to four players
This paint set contains 10 specially selected colours you need to paint your Spearmen, Rune Golems and all the rest of your Daqan Lords
The Locust Swarm gathers its strength with the Uthuk Y`llan Infantry Command Expansion for the Runewars Miniatures Game
For years, the armies of Waiqar the Undying have stayed within their borders, launching only minor raids across the border
Crush your enemies with the Carrion Lancers Expansion Pack for the Runewars Miniatures Game, featuring two Carrion Lancer Plastic Figures to expand your legions of the undead, as well as eight new upgrade cards to improve your armies.
Each 2018 Season Two Tournament Kit contains exclusive prizes and clear instructions - everything you need to host a fun and concise event in your retail store
Expand your ranks of the undead with the Reanimates Expansion Pack for the Runewars Miniatures Game, featuring eight Reanimate plastic figures in four different sculpts for use with the forces of Waiqar, as well as five upgrade cards to customize your forces.
The Deepwood Archers Unit Expansion for the Runewars Miniatures Game includes eight Deepwood Archer Figures and two plastic infantry movement trays, enough to field a unit of Deepwood Archers or add on to the units found in the Latari Elves Army Expansion, as well as five upgrade cards.