Set around the events of `the Secret War`, Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish introduces players to the terrifying conflict fought to stop the sorcerous Nazi cult of the Black Sun from unleashing a tide of Mythos horrors against the Allies. Take command of brave Allied forces like Badger`s Commandos and the Pathfinder Demon Hunters alongside historical army units, and lead them to victory against the Axis hordes. Deploy special hero units like Sgt Brandon Carter, Professor Richard Deadman, or Ariane Dubois to take on the might of the Nazi war machine. As the Axis, strike terror into your opponents by commanding the sorcerous Black Sun and their Mythos allies, bringing new levels of fear onto the battlefield. Call on the terrifying Deep One War Party or let the unholy Servitors of Nyarlathotep supplement your forces and crush the Allied threat. Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish is powered by Spartan Games` Dystopian Legions 2.0 rules set.