All she could hear was the throbbing of her own heart. The air reeked of gunpowder and blood. She placed the butt of her heavy firearm against her shoulder and, yet again, took aim toward the ruined buildings down the hill. Down there, between some decayed, old car wrecks, lay three bodies. Enemies. Careless enemies. Dead enemies. But, there were more of them out there. She knew it. She wouldn`t have to wait long. As on cue, again they came storming through the Zone smog, roaring. They ran straight toward her foxhole. Pink-skinned. Hairless. Disgusting. Soldier 317 roared back and opened fire. `Die, meat-eaters, die!` Packed with five thrilling scenario locations, this Zone Compendium is a supplement to the Mutant: Year Zero Roleplaying Game.

Role Playing Games
MUH 050477