Heroes Will Rise...or Darkness Will Fall! Evil lurks beneath the city of Corvis. Burdened by the growing tide of corruption, the desperate and undermanned City Watch turns to a mercenary company for help investigating a rash of smuggling activity and strange disappearances. But beneath the soot-filled streets of the metropolis a sinister plot unfolds, greater and more dangerous than anyone has dared imagine. Join the Black River Irregulars and delve into the treacherous Undercity, a decaying labyrinth of tunnels and caverns sprawled beneath Corvis, home to all manner of vice and villainy. Work as a team and utilize your heroes` unique strengths to battle the Undercity`s deadly denizens and expose the dark conspiracy festering in the city`s underbelly. If you`re tough and savvy, you`ll gain valuable experience and equipment you need to destroy the evil threatening Corvis. Fail, and death will be the least of your concerns!