You, too, can search for the Holy Grail! As a brave knight on a holy quest, buy hovels, build castles, take a ride on a Llama, or charge excessive groats for hanging out at your Castle of Aaarrrggghhhh! Optional rules include invoking your knight`s special powers, giving up your castle to go on the search for the Holy Grail, or determining the speed of a laden swallow. Cards for Book of Armaments and Quests could cause you to act out scenes from the movie, pay a fellow questing knight some groats, or even go to face Certain Death! So come have fun with the Trojan Rabbit, the Holy Hand Grenade, and the Invincible Black Knight, with this game based on the funniest move of all time - Monty Python and the Holy Grail!

Board Games
TOY 15100