Celebrate the first wave of X-Wing Second Edition starship expansions with a Deluxe Wave Kit designed to highlight some of the new experiences these expansions have to offer! The perfect complement to the first wave of expansions, the Deluxe Wave 1 Kit contains 50 patronage cards to reward customers who purchase X-Wing products in your store, as well as a range of custom prizes to support three different events a Quick Build Party, a Themed Tournament, and a Wave Championship. Each of these events encourages players to play with their new Wave 1 starships and explore one of the different modes of play made possible in X-Wing Second Edition. A special Wave Leader prize is awarded to the player who accumulates the most points over all three events. The Deluxe Wave 1 Kit supports up to 16 participants in the Quick Build Party and Themed Tournament, and up to 32 competitors in the Wave Championship. You can combine multiple Deluxe Wave Kits to support larger events.